Best Hercule Poirot Books To Start Reading First! ????️‍♂️ ????

Over a century ago, everyone’s favorite detective, Hercule Poirot, was first introduced to the world in the book The Mysterious Affair at Styles 1920. At the time of publication, Agatha Christie was yet to realize the effect this weft would have on the detective fiction genre for years to come. This short, pompous Belgian detective with a weird ovoid throne and a spectacular mustache pride would protract to win the reader’s hearts with the help of his famed gray cells.

Best Hercule Poirot Books! (Agatha Christie)

Best Hercule Poirot Books To Read Agatha Christie

He is not at all modest and unassuming, and rightfully so, as he deserves all the credit and increasingly owing to the way he solves crimes and his pièce de résistance, the final denouement. No criminal can escape unscathed when Poirot is on the case, and here is a list of ten books, in chronological order, that portrays his no-go radiance in foiling the criminals’ plans and solving the case.

1. The Mysterious Affair at Styles (1920)

The Mysterious Affair At Styles By Agatha Christie

Hercule Poirot made his first visitation with this book. The readers are moreover introduced to Captain Hastings, Poirot’s friend, who acts as a narrator and is like Watson to Poirot’s Sherlock. The wealthy and elderly Emily Inglethorp has been poisoned, and the suspicion for her death falls on her family members, including her young second husband, two stepsons, a stepdaughter-in-law, a friend, and her companion.

Naturally, her family members, namely her husband and stepsons, will goody from her death. Poirot enters the scene to well-spoken the names of the innocent and find out the real killer. This typesetting is the perfect launchpad for Poirot’s weft and is the precursor to many similar tropes found in other Christie books. This typesetting moreover benefits from Christie’s vast knowledge of poisons, owing to her working as a chemist’s workmen during World War I. She goes on to use this knowledge to unconfined success in most of the books throughout her career. You can get the typesetting here! 📖

2. The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (1926)

The Murder Of Roger Ackroyd By Agatha Christie

Any Agatha Christie weightier books list can only be well-constructed with the wing of this book. This typesetting catapulted her to fame and is considered her masterpiece by many. The typesetting starts with a new narrator, Dr. James Sheppard, in lieu of Poirot’s trusty Captain Hastings. A wealthy man, the eponymous Roger Ackroyd, is murdered, and Poirot takes up the specimen to find the killer.

While the story is in the same vein as most of her other works, the twist in the end distinguishes it from the rest and makes it a unique thriller. The innovative ending is at once the most applauded and controversial of Christie’s books and one that has influenced many Mystery genre tropes. This typesetting proved to the world that Christie was a true master of the Treason genre and that she was here to stay and slay! You can get the typesetting here! 📖

3. Peril at End House (1932)

Peril At End House By Agatha Christie

Captain Hastings then takes up his helm as the narrator, faithfully narrating Poirot’s every word and whoopee to the readers. A simple resort vacation turns into flipside mystery when the mannerly Nick Buckley, owner of the titular End House, has several murder attempts made on her life. Poirot, not stuff one to sit quietly when a spinster is in distress, wastes no time in setting whispered his peaceful vacation to help out Miss Buckley.

We are introduced to a host of notation among whom the killer might be present. Several murderous attempts are made, and some people end up dead, despite Poirot’s presence, angering the man into action. The final denouement has everything– a seance, the disappearance and reappearances of wills, scammers, and drug dealers, and the delightful reveal of the killer and their motive and methods. This typesetting is highly entertaining and is one of Christie’s most ingenious plot machinations. You can get the typesetting here! 📖

4. Lord Edgware Dies (1933)

Lord Edgware Dies By Agatha Christie

This is flipside Poirot mystery where Captain Hastings makes his appearance. An actress, Jane Wilkinson, wants to divorce her husband, the unfortunate Lord Edgware, who is this book’s first and primary victim. She seeks Poirot’s help, but surpassing he can be of use, the problem solves itself with Lord Edgware’s death. A couple of witnesses requirement to have seen Wilkinson visiting the Lord surpassing his death, but she was shown to have been peekaboo a dinner with thirteen people, who are all witnesses to the fact.

How can one person be at two places at the same time? Is there someone impersonating Jane Wilkinson? If so, what is their motive? This specimen stumps Poirot, and it scrutinizingly proves to be his undoing. But luck is on his side, and he achieves the untellable again. A masterly plot that scrutinizingly attempts to pull one over the sunny Hercule Poirot is a typesetting that every fan of the detective must read. You can get the typesetting here! 📖

5. Murder on the Orient Express (1934)

Murder On The Orient Express By Agatha Christie

Christie often drew inspiration from real-life events for her writing, and these influences can be witnessed in several of her books; this typesetting is moreover one of them. The plot is inspired by the kidnap and murder of Charles Lindberg, a toddler, in 1932. The heartless treason is replicated in this book, but this time, Christie serves her unique trademark of justice by having the kidnapper murdered in her book. Ratchett, the villain and victim of this book, is modeled on the real-life murderer of the Lindberg baby.

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The evil Ratchett is found sufferer in the titular Orient Express, which has been stranded due to a snowstorm, and the only people who could have murdered him are the co-passengers in his coach. Since Poirot is present at the scene, it automatically ways that he will take up the role of crime-solver to find the killer, but this time, his heart may not fully be into solving this treason considering of the victim’s identity. Can Poirot find out the killer, and if he does, will he let justice get served or let them go? The ending reveals that, like her creation, Hercule Poirot, Christie is not lacking in the famed gray cells. You can get the typesetting here! 📖

6. Death on the Nile (1937)

Death On The Nile By Agatha Christie

The one thing I love well-nigh Christie’s typesetting is that she uses the experiences of her wide-stretching travels in her book. It not only acts as a travelog but moreover showcases the travel life of people in the early half of the twentieth century. Since Hercule Poirot is the most well-traveled of her detectives, most of his books are set in a foreign location. This typesetting moreover minorly acts as an Egypt tourism ad of the 1930’s. Apart from the mystery, the descriptions of the travel, monuments, scenery, and expressly the steamer, Karnak, by which the tourists travel lanugo the river Nile, are some highlights that make this typesetting one-of-a-kind.

A love triangle turns fatal when one-third of the triangle ends up dead. Poirot has his hands full, trying to find the killer and ensuring that unconnectedness does not ensue in the limited confines of the boat. Colonel Race, one of Christie’s recurring characters, is present in this typesetting and is a less worrying replacement for Captain Hastings. He aids Poirot in his quest and is a worthy partner to him. The final reveal is nothing short of the grand denouement that Poirot’s mysteries are famous for, and this particular one has to be on top among his books. You can get the typesetting here! 📖

7. Evil Under the Sun (1941)

Evil Under The Sun By Agatha Christie

The love triangle is one of Christie’s favorite plot devices. This typesetting is similar to Death on the Nile, up to a malleate regarding a love triangle-inspired murder. Poirot is on flipside holiday, this time in Devon, which is once then hijacked by a murder. Poirot, stuff Poirot, cannot resist the struggle to showcase his famed gray cells to solve the mystery, vacation notwithstanding.

Like in all Christie books, there is a significant tint of people, and everyone is equally suspected and found to have a motive and opportunity at variegated points of the story. These red herrings may sidetrack us ordinary readers, but never our erstwhile Belgian detective. His throne is unchangingly in the game, and he unchangingly keeps sight of his mission despite sometimes vicarial like he does. This typesetting has everything– scenery, mystery, deception, and romance; the perfect combo! You can get the typesetting here! 📖

8. Five Little Pigs (1942)

Five Little Pigs By Agatha Christie

Solving a live specimen is no small matter, and the difficulty gets compounded when it comes to a unprepossessed case. But nothing is too challenging for our favorite detective. So when Carla Lemarchant, the daughter of the murdered Amyas Crale, comes to Poirot to help her posthumously sanitize her mother of her father’s death, the detective finds himself unable to refuse the damsel’s request.

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Sixteen years ago, Caroline Crale was accused of poisoning her husband, the painter Amyas Crale. She has written a letter to her daughter Carla, conveying her innocence. The daughter takes it upon herself to get justice for both her parents with Poirot’s help. This is not the only time he solves a unprepossessed specimen (he moreover does it in Elephants Can Remember), but this is the weightier version of the trope. Christie makes the past come working with her masterful writing, ensuring that this typesetting unceasingly appears in the top ten Christie books of all times lists. You can get the typesetting here! 📖

9. After the Funeral (1953)

After The Funeral By Agatha Christie

It is one of the most underrated Poirot books, but moreover one that showcases his famed intellect in a good light. A endangerment utterance of murder at a wealthy person’s funeral begins to throw suspicion on everyone who benefits from the deceased’s will, expressly when the person who uttered the word murder turns up sufferer the next day. Art and the social impacts of war full-length heavily in this book.

A typical Christie medley featuring- the death of a wealthy individual, the people who will goody from their death, reading of wills, distrusting family members, and so on. The very mystery borrows from her other books but is packaged in a unique format, making it compelling and understated simultaneously. Poirot is in his element in this book, something that becomes relatively uncommon in the ensuing decades. You can get the typesetting here! 📖

10. Curtain: Poirot’s Last Specimen (1975)

Curtain Poirots Last Specimen By Agatha Christie

This typesetting is the last typesetting published by Christie surpassing her death and is moreover Poirot’s last literary appearance. This typesetting was written scrutinizingly thirty years surpassing its publication as she intended to offer a well-spoken ending to her detective, despite standing to write his mysteries in the interim. In this book, we return to where it all began: Styles Court, from the first Poirot case, The Mysterious Affair at Styles. We moreover get reacquainted with Poirot’s true-blue sidekick, Captain Hastings, now a grieving widower. This specimen deals with a sociopathic maniac who psychologically triggers his victims into murdering other people.

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Poirot believes this will be the most challenging mystery of his life, as the criminal’s methods cannot be hands proved in court. Poirot is moreover very old and has to use a wheelchair considering of his arthritis. He may be physically weak, but mentally, he is sharp as ever. He returns to the scene of his first mystery, which has been made into a guest hotel. Poirot believes that one of the hotel’s guests is the mysterious maniac he calls X. A wrestle of will ensues. Our weather-beaten detective has difficulty bringing justice in his last-ever published mystery endeavor. This typesetting is a worthy ending to our minion Hercule Poirot and is a must-read for his fans. You can get the typesetting here! 📖